Bob Cotton's MediaInspiratorium

“The First Intermedia History”

The inspiration for much of my work is what I call the MediaPlex - the huge range and depth of media of all kinds - books, newspapers, magazines, television, movies, animations, software, podcasts, comics, illustrations, radio programmes - all the stuff we've produced in the history of mankind, and have collected, It struck me that the Manhattan Project was central to science in the 20th century - it marked the spectacular birth of the Atomic Age.

  • Freshwater Bay, Freshwater, Isle of Wight, UK

Bob Cotton has extensive experience as a creative director, artist, designer, film-maker and writer on and about new media. His were some of the earliest overview books on new media to appear in the 1990s (Understanding Hypermedia, Phaidon 1993, The Cyberspace Lexicon Phaidon 1994, Understanding Hypermedia 2.000 1998). Recently he has focussed on Innovation, design, and the role that futurecasting (technology forecasting) plays in the design and innovation process (Futurecasting Digital Media, Pearson/ 2002). He was recently Research Fellow in Digital Media at London College of Communication (University of the Arts, London), where he organised several conferences and exhibitions on new media. He has judged interactive media for both BAFTA and D&AD. Currently he is Visiting Practitioner Professor in Digital Media at University of the West of England, and recently a visiting Senior lecturer in Interactive Media and Film at the Arts University Bournemouth, and Supervisor on the Press Association/University of the Arts, London Knowledge Transfer Partnership. In 2010-2020 he built an online archive of art+media innovations from 1800-2020ish. He is currently building a personal retrospective site: . He became a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in 2016. His film ZeitEYE has inspired a new orchestral work by the Spanish composer Pedro Guajardo Torres that was performed December 2018. His IOS app expanding mediainspiratorium for the iPad was completed in beta in 2020, but is no longer asupported. He was recently an associate working with Augmented Solutions Ltd on applications of machine-learning and augmented-reality. He is currently writing and illustrating a number of articles on aspects of media developments and the role that William James idea of our thinking as a 'stream of consciousness' played in the development of early Modernism - these are available as works-in-progress on

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“There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.”

- Ansel Adams

from the Introduction: The Sixties Media Art Revolution: the Digital Dimension

from the Introduction: The Sixties Media Art Revolution: the Digital Dimension

some excerpts from articles and books and pdfs I've made....

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what created the Sixties Zeitgeist?

what created the Sixties Zeitgeist?

How come every creative recognised the Sixties straight away - even me as a 15 year-old wannabe art student? It was as if the whole Sixties zeitgeist was waiting to leap into our consciousness from day one.

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Dylan Thomas and the Bardic Consciousness - Bob Cotton 2020

Dylan Thomas and the Bardic Consciousness - Bob Cotton 2020

From the radio as an oracular medium to the oral-formulaic theory suggested by Milman Parry and Albert Lord in the 1930s, the radio filters into our consciousness in a very very personal way.

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Ur Art - Primordial Art: where it all came from by Bob Cotton 2021

Ur Art - Primordial Art: where it all came from by Bob Cotton 2021

I believe that there is a collective memory - an UR memory, left over within us from our long childhood as a nomadic species walking out of Africa and into the wide world. We spent some 500-700 generations (maybe even more!) in this primordial nomadic mode. Civilised life (since Agrarian revolution and birth of writing) has only lasted about 70-80 generations...

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Mircea Eliade and the Art of NOW by Bob Cotton 2023

Mircea Eliade and the Art of NOW by Bob Cotton 2023

Our contemporary, 21st century art and culture draws from AI and Quantum mechanics, as well as our 10,000 years of mediated history, now residing in Large Language models and stored very handily in our Net/Web. Some recent works celebrate this convergence...

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A Loving Homage to Little Nipper by Bob Cotton

A Loving Homage to Little Nipper by Bob Cotton

Our little dog friend Nipper died recently...

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Zeitguys and zeitgals by Bob Cotton c2015

Zeitguys and zeitgals by Bob Cotton c2015

I've been fascinated by the artists of all kinds who lived ahead of their times and pointed to our futures....

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Reflections from 2024

Reflections from 2024

an art-media-technology discovery through my 78-year old lens, and pointers to the ZG of Now.

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The Art+Technology Zeitgeist

The Art+Technology Zeitgeist

From the point-of-view of 2024, its eay to trace the emergence of the Man-Machine Zeitgeist/ Here's my take on the chronology..

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Where did Fluxus come from?

Where did Fluxus come from?

A short pictorial essay on Fluxus - where did it come from? Dada - and especially the mixed-media performances at Cabaret Voltaire (from 1916) must have influenced Fluxus artists.

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Bob Cotton: The Modernist Stream

Bob Cotton: The Modernist Stream

This article argues that William James description of the experience of our own awareness, our sense of Self - as a stream of consciousness (in James:The Principles of Psychology 1890) played an important role in the development of Modernism, in literature, and in the importance of collage, photomontage and serial montage in the period 1890-1930. And that the evocation of stream of consciousness still underpins much of our 'streaming media' culture of the 21st century.

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